domingo, 15 de julho de 2018

Da grilagem ao grilo

I agree with in a world where people are vegetarian sounds more like an Utopy..I have been observing a great deal of people becoming vegetarian..even vegan..But I wouldnt count on whole specie turning into veggies..people should only to reduce the consume of meat..and great benefits we would get from it...
You are absolutely correct..No disadvantages from 7 billion people becoming you pointed out well..only peoplelosing their jobs but probabily..finding a way to get life sorted again..

People here are addicted on meat....Brazil is the leading exporter of beef, poultry and also fourth largest pork exporter..but after The Operation Carne Fraca or Operation Weak Meat is an action enforced by the the Brazilian federal police, started on March 17, 2017 which investigated some of the country's largest meat processing companies: JBS which has been accused of having mixed rotten meat treated with chemical components into meat sold in Brazil and abroad. As a first consequence, more than 30 meat inspectors were fired.They allegedly allowed rotten meat to be sold, dates of expiration to be altered, disguised meat of poor quality, and mixed potentially carcinogenic chemical substances - according to Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa), sorbic acid and the not for use authorized Vitamin C. Do you think it has made meat consume dropping here?? Nope...innit crazy??

The craziest thing is Temer ( my president) going to Russia selling meat from JBS. Two billionaire brothers, respectively the CEO and former chairman of JBS, have been arrested amid a corruption scandal that also involves the country’s president, Michel Temer. So..the same day Temer tells that the brothers are liers..he travels to Russia to sell their product..gee..Brasil is the worlds largest steak house and Temer is the waiter..Right after leaving Russia, he stops by in Norway but being himself..he addressed to the King of Norway and King of Sweden...I have got a loser as president. Why did he stopped there? Because there is much Norwegian money in Brasil but different from the Russian one..As Norway is very rich in Oil...They try to minimize the environmental damage they invest in forests around the world and rain forest is one of them.Norway has invested more than $1.1 billion in an Amazon Fund since 2008 to help Brazil protect the forests, which are under threat from logging and their conversion to farmland.
 Norway told visiting Brazilian President Michel Temer on Friday that it would slash its payments to help safeguard the Amazon rainforest in 2017 by more than half to about $35 million because of a rise in forest destruction. And this is true..every minute..forest equals to an area of  two futebol fields is destroyed...and if it least to build futebol wouldnt be so terrible..but the forest is destroyed and turned into pasture for a single I were the Norwegians..I wouldnt invest all that money after seeing a place with a single cow instead of a forest.
Has he learned his lesson:: Nope...when he comes up swaths of the Amazon forest to mining companies and farmers who had illegally invaded the area. Temer wanted to make them legal and give anesty...but Judge says president went beyond his authority in issuing decree to dissolve Renca, after fury from activists. Temer subsequently withdrew his initial decree, and re-issued it with a clarification on protections for indigenous territory and conservation areas. Environmental activists said the move was a marketing ploy, because 30% of the region would still be opened up to mining companies.
But can we blame only president and congress people? To asnwer this question let me explain how the deforestation happens..someone gets into the forest and cut the trees after that..plant some grass and release few cows..and the cows will turn the owner from illegal to legal because they just say the land is productive and then they can regulate their ownwership of the land. In Brasil there are more cattle than people or car..and between buying a car or eating meat..the second causes more damage to the earth than first.. Cow farts metano..worst than CO2... plus the consume of water use on am supposed to stopp taking shower for 2 months for each hamburguer
Raising animals for food requires massive amounts of land, food, energy, and water and causes immense animal suffering. And I cant understand people getting shocked when they see a dog being mistreated..Do they think the cow commits suicide?? Brasilian consumer is the main problem..and the biggest hypocrite of the whole situation..We are becoming one of the biggest meat consumer of the world.. people dont understand that they dont need to stop eating meat...if they simply reduce would be great...

A farinha de grilo e as barrinhas de cereais feitas de insetos não são novidade na indústria de alimentos. Mas você sabia que temos uma startup super inovadora que produz, e espera comercializar isso em larga escala, no Brasil?
Conheça a Hakkuna!